Collision-tolerant Aerial Robotics
Morphy: a Compliant and Morphologically-Aware Flying Robot
We present *Morphy*, a novel Compliant and Morphologically-aware Flying Robot that integrates sensorized flexible joints in its arms, thus enabling resilient collisions at high speeds and the ability to squeeze through openings more narrow than its nominal dimensions.
Design, Modeling, Control and Experimental Evaluation of Flexy: a Novel Compliant Quadrotor
This work presents the design, control and experimental validation of a novel quadrotor that embeds elastic joints in its arms thus paving the road towards the further utilization of soft, squeezable and resiliently collision-tolerant aerial robots
Risk-aware Motion Planning for Collision-tolerant Aerial Robots subject to Uncertainty
This work contributes a novel strategy towards risk-aware motion planning for collision-tolerant aerial robots subject to localization uncertainty. Attuned to the fact that micro aerial vehicles are often tasked to navigate within GPS-denied, possibly unknown, confined and obstacle-filled environments the proposed method exploits collision-tolerance at the robot design level to mitigate the risks of collisions especially as their likelihood increases with growing uncertainty.
Resilient Collision-tolerant Navigation in Confined Environments
This work presents the design and autonomous navigation policy of the Resilient Micro Flyer, a new type of collision-tolerant robot tailored to flying through extremely confined environments and manhole-sized tubes. The robot maintains a low weight (sub-500g) and implements a combined rigid-compliant design through the integration of elastic flaps around its stiff collision-tolerant frame.
Resilient Collision-tolerant Navigation in Confined Environments
This work presents the design, development and autonomous navigation of the alpha-version of our Resilient Micro Flyer, a new type of collision-tolerant small aerial robot tailored to traversing and searching within highly confined environments including manhole-sized tubes. The robot is particularly lightweight and agile, while it implements a rigid collision-tolerant design which renders it resilient during forcible interaction with the environment.
DARPA SubT Urban Circuit: Collision-tolerant Exploration of Staircases using Aerial RobotsIn this video we present the autonomous exploration of a staircase with four sub-levels and the transition between two floors of the Satsop Nuclear Power Plant during the DARPA Subterranean Challenge Urban Circuit. The utilized system is a collision-tolerant flying robot capable of multi-modal Localization And Mapping fusing LiDAR, vision and inertial sensing. Autonomous exploration and navigation through the staircase is enabled through a Graph-based Exploration Planner.
Motion Primitives-based Path Planning for Fast and Agile Exploration using Aerial RobotsThis work presents a novel path planning strategy for fast and agile exploration using aerial robots. Tailored to the combined need for large-scale exploration of challenging and confined environments, despite the limited endurance of micro aerial vehicles, the proposed planner employs motion primitives to identify admissible paths that search the configuration space, while exploiting the dynamic flight properties of small aerial robots.
Contact-based Navigation Path Planning for Aerial Robots In this work, we present a path planning method for exploiting contact by aerial robots to enable the traversal of highly anomalous surfaces. Apart from sliding in contact, the proposed strategy introduces a new locomotion modality of azimuth rotations perpendicular to the surface, dubbed the flying cartwheel mode. The developed planner is based on the mechanics of optimal sampling-based methods and exploits a surface traversability metric to decide when to switch from sliding to flying cartwheel mode and vice versa.
ASLquad Aerial Writer Demonstration
This video demonstrates the Aerial Physical Interaction Capabilities of the ASLquad as controller by a Hybrid Model Predictive Control Approach
Research Thrusts
To implement the vision of resiliently autonomous collision-tolerant aerial robotics we conduct research across the following domains:
- Collision-tolerant Flying Robot Design to maximize the inherent resilience of the physical embodiment. We seek lightweight designs that are either very rigid or exploit compliance.
- Embedded Real-time Multi-modal Robotic Perception for resilient localization and mapping even in the most degraded conditions. We seek approaches that are robust for each of their modalities (e.g., camera, thermal vision, LiDAR) and fuse them in a comprehensive multi-modal approach.
- Robust and High Performance Control for agile flight and ability to withstand forcible disturbances during intended and unintended physical interaction.
- Reinforcement Learning-based Map-free Autonomous Navigation and exploration of very large-scale environments at high speeds.