CS302 - Data Structures
Level: CS302
Overview: The goal of the course "CS302 - Data Structures" is to introduce you into the concepts of data structures emphasizing both on fundamental concepts but also their implementation using C++.
Overview: The goal of the course "CS302 - Data Structures" is to introduce you into the concepts of data structures emphasizing both on fundamental concepts but also their implementation using C++.
Main Textbook
Note: to be used with VirtualBox
Lecture Slides and other Material
Section 1: What should be known
Section 2: Link-based Implementation
Section 5: Efficiency of Algorithms
Section 6: Sorting Algorithms & Efficiency
Section 7: Sorted Lists
Section 8: Queues
Section 9: Trees - Binary Search Trees
Section 10: Heaps
Section 11: Dictionaries
Section 14: Processing Data in External Storage
Section 15: Intro to STL
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